Green and Red Technologies Apps

Bangla Calendar 1.1
A simple, yet beautiful Bangla calendar foryour Android phone is here. There are quite a few Bangla calendarapps available in Play Store. But unfortunately, most of them showserroneous date. G&R's Bangla Calendar is developed based on themodification made by a committee headed by Muhammad Shahidullahunder the auspices of the Bangla Academy on 17 February 1966, whichwas officially adopted by the government in 1987. That's why, ThisBangla calendar is 100% accurate in its calculation.Key Features:1. Complete calendar where user can switch between months byswiping and pressing buttons2. English to Bangla date converter (coming soon)3. Bangla to English date converter (coming soon)
Bangla Meme 1.4
Bangla Meme is a funny Bangla meme generatorapp! Take pictures of you or your friends (or pick an image fromthe gallery) then choose from a list of predefined Bangla quotes topaste over the picture. You can share your newly created meme onsocial media or just save it on your phone!Take pictures, share, and have fun!পরিবার এবং বন্ধু-বান্ধবদের আনন্দ দিতে চান? কিংবা কোনো বন্ধুকে একহাত দেখে নিতে চান?! তাহলে আপনার জন্য বাংলা মিম! ছবি তুলুন অথবাগ্যালারী থেকে ছবি বাছাই করুন। এরপর সেই ছবির উপরে মজাদার বাংলা লিখাবসিয়ে দিন। ব্যস! আপনার মিম তৈরি। এবার মিমটি সোস্যাল মিডিয়ার মাধ্যমেসবার সাথে শেয়ার করুন।
Bangla Calculator 1.0.4
A simple, beautiful new calculator in Banglalanguage made by the G&R Ad Network, Bangladesh's leadingdisplay ad network.Features:It can do all the simple calculations you need in your dailylife!There is also a funny thing hidden in the app! Try to find itout!!